Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Asylum Research Atomic Force Microscopy Application Areas

Modulus map of a polymer blend


Atomic force microscopy image of a thin film

Thin Films and Coatings

piezoresponse force microscopy image taken with an Asylum Research scanning probe microscope

Piezoelectrics and Ferroelectrics

Graphene AFM image: flakes imaged on boron nitride using atomic force microscopy

Graphene and 2D Materials

Atomic force microscopy image shows the sub-structure of actin filaments

Biomolecules, Membranes & Assemblies

Atomic force microscopy image of a cell overlaid on a fluorescence microscopy image of the same cell

Cells and Tissues

Coronary stent surface imaged using atomic force microscopy


Chocolate imaged using atomic force microscopy

Food Science

AFM image showing the photoconductive properties of a photovoltaic material

Solar, Photovoltaics and Thermoelectrics

Atomic force microscope image of a lithium battery electrode

Energy Storage

Semiconductor transistor device imaged using scanning microwave impedance microscopy (sMIM)

Semiconductor and Microelectronics

Magnetic skyrmions imaged using magnetic force microscopy under an applied perpendicular magnetic field

Magnetics and Data Storage

Atomic force microscopy modulus map of a solder lead-tin alloy

Nanomechanical Characterization

Surface potential image of a carbon-filled polymer blend imaged with atomic force microscopy

Nanoelectrical Characterization

This force-distance curve is an example of force spectroscopy measurements. Here, a protein called titin was unfolded under the force of the atomic force microscope. Each peak corresponds to the unfolding of one domain in the protein.

Force Measurements

Frictional force is measured as a function of applied load (friction loops) for several different anti-friction coatings
