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Rolling Bundled Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT), rolling left (Figures A, B and E, F,) and right (Figures C, D and G, H), 1.45 µm scan. The initial image shows a single isolated bundle. This image was made in AC/repulsive mode with an amplitude of roughly 100 nm. A larger bundle is visible on the right side of the smaller bundle. An atomic step is also visible in the image. Images A, C, E and G show the yellow sketched cantilever tip paths made using the MicroAngelo interface. Figures B, D, F and H show the effects of the manipulation areas. During the manipulation, the normal loading force was set to 90 nN. The nominal velocity of the cantilever tip was 1 ?m/second.
Date: 16th November 17
Last Updated: February 20, 2019, 5:23 pm
Author: Asylum Research
Category: Asylum Gallery Image