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Calcite Screw Dislocation Under Continuous CaCO3 Growth-etch Solution
This movie was taken on the Cypher ES Environmental AFM using blueDrive photothermal excitation. The freshly cleaved calcite sample was imaged under continuous flow (~3 µL/s) of growth and etch solution. The pH of the solution was varied to control the growth/etch rate. Cantilever: Arrow UHF Mode: AC Mode in water Excitation: blueDrive at 525 kHz Scan Rate: 19.5 lines/s Scan Size = 500 nm Points/Lines: 256/128 Imaging Time per Frame = 6.55 seconds Playback Rate = 52.4X acquisition rate
Last Updated: June 10, 2020, 1:52 pm
Category: Asylum Gallery Video