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A full suite of SEM/EDS based automated process mineralogy tools and other chemical analysis tools
The Interferometric Displacement Sensor (IDS) option for Asylum Research Cypher AFMs enables more quantitative Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) by eliminating the dominant source…
ORCA™ on Cypher AFMs provides conductive AFM imaging and I-V measurement capabilities. The standard module is capable of measuring currents from ~1 pA to 20 nA. Other current ranges…
sMIM enables nanoscale permittivity and conductivity mapping on metals, semiconductors, and insulators (compatible with all MFP-3D AFMs except Origin).
NanoTDDB™ enables characterization of dielectric breakdown with nanoscale precision. Constant or ramped biases up to ±220 V can be applied while monitoring current through a conductive…
NanoTDDB™ enables characterization of dielectric breakdown with nanoscale precision on Cypher AFMs. Constant or ramped biases up to ±150 V can be applied while monitoring current through…