What Happens Inside a Lithium Battery?
Operando EC-AFM Imaging of Li-O₂ Battery Solid-Electrolyte Interface/Interphase Dynamics
Operando EC-AFM Imaging of Li-O₂ Battery Solid-Electrolyte Interface/Interphase Dynamics
The uneasy truce has been broken, as AFM refuses to concede resolution superiority to STM.
A man, a dog, and an AFM were sitting in a lab when an earthquake hit. The AFM is the only one that wasn't startled!
AFM is a powerful tool for tribology research- the study of friction and wear. Here, AFM is used to investigate a tribofilm formed by reciprocal sliding.
Just like the brilliant blooms each spring, STM provides a captivating view of the world in which we live.
Welcome to Notes from the Nanoworld. To start things off, let's chat about extraordinary resolution on a very ordinary material—glass.
Hafnium oxide helps keep microelectronics on the Moore’s law trajectory
You've seen Cypher's high-resolution results, but what makes it possible? Roger Proksch shares the key secret to Cypher's performance.