Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Polymers for New Energy Technologies: Organic Photovoltaics

Photovoltaic cells, more commonly known as solar cells, are named after the chemical process of converting light into electricity. Organic photovoltaics (OPVs), which use polymers or small organic molecules for light absorption and charge transfer, are the leading candidates for low-cost, lightweight, flexible solar cells. The use of photovoltaic (PV) materials is a promising solution to global energy needs and the current research is largely focused on improving the efficiency of OPVs. This application note discusses how the next-generation atomic force microscopes like the Asylum Research Jupiter XR and Cypher AFM are providing crucial characterization information that can aid in the improvement of organic photovoltaics efficiencies.

Download the application note to learn:

  • Why the study of organic photovoltaics requires high performance and high resolution AFM's
  • How the high resolution of Jupiter XR AFM enables polymers characterization down to the molecular level
  • How Cypher AFM's enable fast scanning and critical environmental control, including liquid perfusion control
  • How Cypher AFM’s can measure nanoscale electrical and mechanical properties
Download the Application Note
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